Welcome to Prairie Wind Kennels

Welcome to Prairie Wind Kennels, Wyomings Premier dog training center. We are located west of Casper Wyoming, serving Wyoming, Colorado, Montana and South Dakota. We train in Wyoming from AprIL thru November and in Texas from December thru March.
We strive to meet and exceed your expectations whatever your interests are hunting, field trials, hunts tests or a well mannered family dog. Our training programs are based upon working for 2 of the best dog trainer's in the country, both have trained National field champions. Training programs are tailored to meet your needs and goals.
To develop your dog to its full potential is based upon a successful and proven program and training grounds. We train on 1000 acres in Wyoming and 4000 acres in Texas. Your dog will get acclimated to various hunting situations. We welcome you and your dog to visit our facility.